jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

Colour of the Week

Howdy my friends, i was thinking of doing a color of the week thing so we can all check out whats in in that colour. i will start with my favourite one BLACK, is such an elegant, trendy, hip and never out of style colour. I know some of them can relate it to the Emo's, Dark, Metalheads, etc, but its because they have taken it from us, from who we love to wear it just because we love the mistique in the colour, and not by whom relate it to dark, death, tragic and sadness.
So hope you enjoy the mix!

Starting with the queen of elegance Audrey Hepburn, boy she can
make it look sooooo chic!
The perfect (at least for my) elegant dress, maybe more like
"i'm going to a ceremony" dress
Since i couldn't find the perfect LBD, here i post
some of my fav choices

Skirts, which girl is not crazy abbout them?

Spandex leggins, i personally own a pair and i L-O-V-E them
makes the look a little bit grungy but with the right
accesories can be really chic as well

TUTUS!!!! i know the original colour is pink, but since i don't really
fancy that i rather have the black one, and those are soooo in now
i need one!!! (anyone has an extra pair??)

Now we can mix and match black and white,
"pure with dark" bows are also so in now!
it gives you the extra finishing touch

Continuing with the black & white thing, another thing is in
and i used to hate are sequins, i dont really like stuff that shines! but now that i see
that semi-blazer, i think i could wear it, it looks fresh (idk why :s)

Again with sequins, this small short (a short short hehe) is really cute,
speacially if you are going partying or doing something that requires
"something elegant"

When i saw this Dior shoes i fell in love (but yeah i don't really have
an extra $ 1,400 floating around)
and last but not least, this booties!!! oh how i adore them, i seriously
need thigh high boots, and those Louboutins are perfect! i just can manage myself
walking on high heels :)

Well i hope i can actually remember to do a colour of the week next week, since there is a lot going on here and i'm not really looking forward to it

Cap Day is sooooo close!!!!

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

black is everyone's favorite color...especially if you live in NYC. ;-)
those little sequin shorts are so cute...just not on me.
xoxo alison

vla* fashion frontier dijo...

I know, those shorts are amazing! i think they could be great on you, it's all about the attitude :D